PTAB developed this eFiling system to provide appellants with a secure and efficient means to appeal property assessments
from Illinois' 102 local county boards of review. PTAB designed the system to support a wide range of litigants, including
pro se appellants and law firms. Please view the User Guide before
starting your appeal.
All documents submitted to the PTAB are subject to the Freedom of Information Act – do NOT disclose or submit any document
which contains a social security number, taxpayer identification number, bank account number, or date of birth. Any documents
containing this information should have said information redacted.
This is a government website for official PTAB business only. All activities of users of this system for any purpose, and all
access attempts, may be recorded and monitored by persons authorized by Illinois and federal law for improper use, protection of
system security, the performance of maintenance, and for appropriate management by the PTAB of its systems. Users expressly consent
to monitoring their use of the system and to official access to data reviewed and created by them on the system. If evidence of
unlawful activity is discovered, including unauthorized access attempts, it may be reported to law enforcement officials. Any filings
that attempt to bypass the embedded data security or manipulate the fields on the electronic forms will be null and void pursuant
to Standing Order No. 2.
I understand that I am entering a State of Illinois system to file a property assessment appeal. I understand that I need to
provide all the required information and documentation to support my appeal. I understand that the failure to agree to or meet
the criteria below will result in my inability to file an appeal with PTAB.
I understand that: